
43 Courses Under Mechanical Engineering Degree

On this article, I am going to list out all Mechanical Engineering course outline in Nigeria Universities which you will study before you can to become a graduate of Mechanical Engineering. Normally, a course outline should contain; course name, course description, course hours etc… but I am going to skip that information and go straight to Mechanical Engineering subjects for university students.

I will only list out the course names excluding  GST Courses and those courses with part II and III to avoid too much information. There is no guarantee that the listed Mechanical Engineering subjects (courses) will be fully covered in your school because universities in Nigeria does not use a uniform curriculum.

Nevertheless, you will study 97% of Mechanical Engineering courses listed here.
The following Mechanical Engineering courses in Nigeria listed here do not follow the traditional course structure and they have been arranged in alphabetical order. Notwithstanding, the list here covers 100 level courses, 200 level courses 300 courses and 400 level courses.

The following are the list of Core Mechanical Engineering Courses

  1. Advance Mathematics
  2. Advanced Strength of Materials
  3. Applied Fluid Mechanics.
  4. Applied Mechanics
  5. Applied Thermodynamics
  6. Automatic Control
  7. Basic Electrical Engineering
  8. Basic Practical chemistry
  9. Basic Principle of Chemistry
  10. Basic Principle of Physical Chemistry
  11. Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
  12. Computational Methods
  13. Electrical Engineering
  14. Elementary Mathematics
  15. Engineering Analysis
  16. Engineering Computer programming
  17. Engineering Drawing
  18. Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
  19. Fundamentals of Physics
  20. Heat and Mass Transfer
  21. Manufacturing Technology
  22. Materials Science Laboratory
  23. Measurement and Instrumentation
  24. Mechanical Engineering Design
  25. Mechanics of Fluids
  26. Mechanics of machine
  27. Metallurgy
  28. Practical physics
  29. Statistics for Physical & Engineering
  30. Strength of Materials Laboratory
  31. Technology Development Policy
  32. Theory of Elasticity
  33. Thermodynamic
  34. Work Technology

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