
As an expectant mother, you most likely have heard some old tales linking nasal congestion to whether you’re having a boy or a girl. As a nurse, I’ve heard them all! but is this a myth or fact? Read well, when you’re pregnant, your body is working overtime to support both you and the little one growing inside you.

This means an increase in blood volume and hormones. One of the hormones, estrogen, can cause the lining of your nasal passages to swell, leading to that stuffy feeling. It’s not just you; many women experience this. It’s commonly referred to as “pregnancy rhinitis.” And while it might be a bit uncomfortable, it’s a normal part of the pregnancy journey for many.


So is a blocked nose in a pregnant boy or a girl?

As I mentioned earlier, a blocked nose in pregnancy boy or girl is an age-old tale of predicting your baby’s gender based on various symptoms! The tale goes like this: if I have a blocked nose, am I expecting a boy or a girl? As fascinating as these tales are, they’ve been passed down through generations without much scientific backing. Myths are fascinating and it’s fun to guess and speculate, but remember, every pregnancy is unique. Your body’s response to the hormonal changes might be different from someone else’s, regardless of the baby’s gender.


What Science Says:

Science, medicine, and technology have come a long way, in helping us with a better understanding of pregnancy. When it comes to the link between nasal congestion and the baby’s gender, there isn’t any scientific evidence to support the claim. Nasal congestion during pregnancy, as mentioned in the introduction, is primarily due to hormonal changes, especially the increase in estrogen. It affects many pregnant women, regardless of whether they’re carrying a boy or a girl. So, while it’s entertaining to indulge in these myths, it’s essential to know that they’re just that—myths.


Reliable Ways to Determine Gender:

Amid all the myths and tales, there are tried and true methods to determine your baby’s gender. The most common and reliable method is through an ultrasound, usually done between the 18th and 22nd week of pregnancy. During this scan, a trained sonographer can often identify the baby’s gender, provided the baby is in a position that allows for a clear view. Another method, especially for those who are keen on knowing earlier, is genetic testing, like the NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing). This test can not only determine the gender but also screen for certain genetic conditions.



Pregnancy is a thing for women and more than usual, a beautiful journey filled with wonder, anticipation, and a fair share of myths. While tales like nasal congestion predicting your baby’s gender can be fun to entertain, it’s crucial to rely on science and trusted medical methods for accurate information and always consult with healthcare professionals for any concerns or questions. After all, whether it’s a boy or a girl, the true joy lies in the journey and the arrival of your little one.

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