
Universities offering Speech Therapy

So you want to study Speech Therapy… This means you have a good knowledge of science subjects but do have what it takes? I mean, it is not enough to know the list of Universities that offer Speech Therapy in South Africa, you also need to also know the admission requirements study Speech Therapy. Unfortunately, each school has its own admission requirement to study Speech Therapy, so I will advise you to visit the school’s website for the requirements.

Do you know that Speech Therapy is one of the most popular courses in South Africa and very competitive? Competitiveness means many students want to gain admission to study Speech Therapy. Once a course is competitive, there are certain measures put in place to limit the number of admissible students. So make sure you have primary admission requirements before making your move.

But what is so special about Speech Therapy and makes so many students want to study… Let me give you a little info before you go through the list of universities that offer Speech Therapy in South Africa.

Communication is a very unique and specialized human ability because, through communication, we as humans are allowed to exchange ideas and information and this exchange can occur in different formats, by means of speaking, writing or through the use of a common system of signs or behavior. Speech Therapy courses deal with human communication and any abnormality or pathology associated with it.

It is a course that helps children and adults to overcome or reduce their communication disorders. Speech therapists usually work with medical doctors or specialists, psychologists, physiotherapists, social workers, educationalists and occupational therapists.

Below is a comprehensive list of higher institutions in South Africa that offers Speech Therapy. If there is a university not listed, please indicate by leaving a comment.

Courses related to Speech Therapy

  • Linguistics
  • Media & Communication
  • Speech Technology
  • English Language and Literature
  • Nursing Science


Here are the list of universities that offer Speech Therapy in South Africa:

  1. Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University
  2. University of Cape Town
  3. University of Fort Hare
  4. University of KwaZulu-Natal
  5. University of Pretoria
  6. University of Stellenbosch
  7. University of the Witwatersrand
  8. University of Durban-Westville
  9. Medical University of South Africa
  10. University of Limpopo

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