
Explore different majors designed specifically for those interested in pursuing a career in counseling or psychology. It is one of only a handful of national courses tailored for professions where interactive skills are essential. Psychology and counseling majors offer more choices in terms of career options than many other degrees. The subjects are recognized as real assets by employers because they develop people skills and knowledge that are invaluable when working with individuals and teams. We have selected the top majors in this field. You can however explore all available majors here

  1. Clinical psychology
  2. Community health counseling
  3. Counseling psychology
  4. Mental health counseling
  5. Pastoral counseling and specialized ministries
  6. Substance abuse/addiction counseling
  7. Vocational rehabilitation counseling
  8. guidance and counseling
  9. Applied psychology
  10. Cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics
  11. Community psychology
  12. Developmental and child psychology
  13. Educational psychology
  14. Experimental psychology
  15. Family Psychology
  16. Forensic psychology
  17. Health/medical psychology
  18. Industrial and organizational psychology
  19. Physiological psychology/psychobiology
  20. Psychometrics and quantitative psychology
  21. Social psychology
  22. Youth Ministry
  23. Women’s studies
  24. Social work
  25. Organizational leadership
  26. Juvenile corrections
  27. Human services
  28. Gay/lesbian studies
  29. Family systems
  30. Ethnic studies
  31. Deaf studies
  32. Disability studies
  33. Child development
  34. Biopsychology
  35. All Major

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