
It is a good thing you want to pray for her tonight. You see, whenever we pray for people we bring the mysterious power of God into their lives. Prayer changes things without changing God’s plans. Prayer change things, circumstances, and people.
Prayer is a powerful weapon in the hand of a believer. The weapon is in your hand. The power is in your mouth. Rise up. Use the power of prayer to empower her tonight.

The night is a time of power and invisible manifestation and whatsoever you decree into her life this night will have a powerful effect. Do not prayer all these good night prayers for her at once… choose at most 3 prayer points only.

Good Night Prayer For Her

Gen. 40:6 – Oh Lord, this night, I cancel whatever will make you become sad when the day breaks in Jesus name.
1 Sam. 18:9 – Those who are eying [her name] negatively shall not prosper in Jesus name.
2 Sam. 16:5; 19:16-20 – Oh Lord! Put to shame people like Shimei in [her name] life in Jesus name.
Jos. 4:14 – Oh Lord, promote [her name] in the eyes of all those who know her and let her life glorify the God of Israel in Jesus name.
Exo. 13:21b – Oh Lord this night, let your pillar of fire guide [her name] to give light to her path in darkness in Jesus name.
Gen. 4:1,2 – It was written that the first family had their children, therefore I speak to your destiny today that you shall have yous in Jesus name.
Gen. 9:1,7 – Oh Lord! [her name] shall be fruitful and multiply in Jesus name.
Jud. 6:13 – Oh Lord! Where is your miracle-working power? Deliver [her name] by your mighty power from this reproach (name it) in Jesus name.

Good Night Prayer For Her

1 Kings 9:23 – Oh Lord, [her name] was born to rule over people. Increase the number of people [her name] will rule over today in Jesus name.
Esther 4:14 – Oh Lord, let relief and deliverance come to [her name] from other places if those who are to help her refuse in Jesus name.
Job 36:7 – Oh Lord, do not withdraw your eyes from [her name], give her a better place in her work in Jesus name.
Deut. 28:67 – Oh Lord, all terrifies of the heart and terrifies of the eyes that will make this night a living hell for [her name] become a taboo in Jesus name.
Ruth 2:17 – Oh Lord, from this night, release abundant blessing that will be more than enough for this family in Jesus name.
2 Sam. 11:2 – Every movement of [her name] in the night that will lead to fornication, adultery or rape are cancelled in Jesus name.
Gen. 15:5 – The God that brought Abraham outside and promised him his own children, will take you to the place of promise and grant you your own children, in Jesus name.

Good Night Prayer For Her

Gen. 17:2 – Tonight, the Lord will make a covenant of multiplication with you today in Jesus name.
1 Kings 22:35 – Whoever and whatever that is claiming to be a king in your life this night except for the King of kings shall receive the fire of the HolySpirit in Jesus name.
Job 33:15,16 – Tonight, the Lord will open your ears in your sleep tonight and seal your heart with new instructions in Jesus name.
Job 42:2 – Oh Lord, I know that you can do everything. As [her name] is going to bed this night, let her wake to a glorious morning in Jesus name.
Gen. 18:14 – I believe that what man sees as impossible is possible for God in my life. You shall be pregnant and deliver your own baby in Jesus name.
Gen. 25:21 – Oh Lord, I plead with you concerning my (wife’s) body. Heal me (her) of barrenness today in Jesus name.
Psalm 31:21 – I declare that you shall see the marvellous works of God in your bed this night in Jesus name.

Good Night Prayer For Her

Psalm 59:6 – I decree that [her name] territory is a “no-go” area to all growling spiritual dogs that roam cities at night in Jesus name.
Dan. 9:21 – Oh Lord, let your angels keep watch over [her name] house tonight in Jesus name.
Zeph. 3:3 – I decree that all spiritual roaring lions and evening wolves that devour at night shall be ambushed by the hosts of heaven in Jesus name.
Gen. 29:31 – Oh Lord, remove the cause of [her name] barrenness today. Make her a mother this month in Jesus name.
Psalm 21:7 – Oh Lord, what will happen that will take away your mercy from her shall not happen in Jesus name.
Gen. 30:22 – The God that remembered Rachel, the God that listened to Rachel and the God that opened her womb, remember me today, listen to me today and open my womb today in Jesus name.
Matt. 8:16 – We come to an agreement in this house that all those who are sick in this family tonight shall wake up healthy in Jesus name.
Luke 24:29 – We invite Jesus Christ to our home to abide with us tonight in Jesus name.
John 20:19 – Every fear of the night in the lives of both the old and young in this house shall fly away in Jesus name.
Exo. 12:29 – Oh Lord! I prophesied today that [her name] will not experience the untimely death in Jesus name.

Good Night Prayer For Her

Jud. 6:23 – Oh Lord, remove death and the fear of death from [her name] life in Jesus name.
1 Sam. 11:13 – All the mark of death on [her name] has been washed away by the blood of Jesus because of the work of God’s salvation in Jesus name.
Gen. 49:25 – Oh Lord, bless me today with the blessing of the breasts and of the womb in Jesus name.
Gen. 1:28 – Oh Lord, your declaration at creation for mankind is to be fruitful and multiply on the earth, remove barrenness from my family in Jesus name.
Job 42:2 – Oh Lord, I know that you can do everything. Turn [her name] title of mother of barrenness to mother of many children in Jesus name.
Job 2:12 – Any calamity that will make people weep bitterly for [her name] is a taboo in Jesus name.
Gen. 37:4 – All those who hate [her name] in her father’s house and her mother’s the house shall be subjected under her feet in Jesus name.
Gen. 42:6-9 – Oh Lord, let all those who have reproached [her name] today come back to serve her in Jesus name.
Jos. 5:9 – Oh Lord, roll away all known and unknown reproach in [her name] life today in Jesus name.

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