
Steps to Stay Safe From Phishing Attacks

Attacks involving phishing are growing in popularity. They involve acting falsely and frequently deceiving people into disclosing their personal information, including passwords and credit card details. But how can you avoid becoming the victim of a phishing attack? Use the following advice to prevent phishing scams:

Use a Unique Password for Every Account

  • Change your passwords frequently, preferably once every six months or so, and use a credential manager to take track of them all.
  • If someone gains access to this data through attempts to hack or phishing attacks, it’s just asking for trouble. Avoid using personal information in your passwords, such as your birthday or phone number. Rather,  anything that only you are aware of, perhaps a string of letters and numbers? It’s preferable if this combination is difficult for other people to figure out as well because it will make it more difficult for hackers to figure out the solution (if they are clever enough). Additionally, you might want to avoid using any personal information with this special passcode or combination because it reduces the likelihood that someone would succeed the first time they attempt later on if they can figure out your birthday month and day.

Check the URL to Make Sure it Matches the Site You’re on 

If the URL does not start with “HTTPS” or if a closed padlock icon is not visible next to the URL, avoid entering sensitive information or downloading files from the website. While it’s true that phishing scams may not target sites without security certifications, it’s still wise to take precautions and err on the side of safety.

Here are some tips to help you check the URL:

Verify the URL. The format of a link should always be [website address] or [business name]. Don’t click on phishing sites because they frequently use false addresses!

  • Verify your work for typos. Additionally, compromised websites may have misspelled URLs (e.g., [email protected]). Call your friend or relative right once and inquire about the source of the link if you recognize any of the following things in something like a link they have sent you.
  • Investigate if you’re still unsure. To check if a website is trustworthy, look for it on Google or Bing. Don’t follow the link if it isn’t.

Make Sure that Emails are Coming from the Right Sender

Making sure emails are received from the correct sender is the first step to avoiding phishing attacks.

  • The contact information in the To: field needs to be the same as the one associated with your account. In the event that it doesn’t, you might be opening a fraudulent communication from someone attempting to steal your data or money.
  • Before completing a purchase with anyone online, be sure you have their complete contact information, including name, phone number, and website if one is accessible (eBay, PayPal). If they don’t list a working phone number or there isn’t a means to contact them, or If you can’t get in contact with them via phone or another method of communication (like text), never ever read their email! You should also check to see if anyone has ever attempted to contact you through this link via social media networks like Whatsapp or WhatsApp messenger app then try to avoid them.

Don’t Ignore Updates 

Getting frequent update notifications can be bothersome, and it may be tempting to postpone or ignore them. However, it’s important not to do so. Security updates and patches are released for a reason, often to address security vulnerabilities and keep up with modern cyber-attack methods. Failing to update your browser could leave you open to phishing attacks that could have been prevented by fixing known vulnerabilities.

Try to Avoid Pop-Ups 

Pop-up ads can be more than just a nuisance; they often serve as a vehicle for malware through phishing attempts. Fortunately, there are free ad-blocker software options available that can automatically block most harmful pop-ups across various browsers. However, if a pop-up does slip through, it’s important to avoid clicking on it. Some pop-ups may try to deceive you by hiding the “Close” button in an inconspicuous location, so always look for an “x” in the corner.

In general, it’s not advisable to easily provide your card details unless you have complete faith in the website you’re browsing. If it’s necessary to share your information, make certain to verify the website’s authenticity, the legitimacy of the company running it, and the security measures in place on the website.


Use VPN to Protect Your Safety

There is no program that can entirely prevent the risk of phishing assaults because they are so low-tech and constantly changing to discover new victims. But by downloading recommended VPN we can guard against phishing assaults. A simple VPN won’t provide much protection, but more complex VPNs give you security capabilities. And to ensure your VPN is working appropriately you have to check VPN settings on Windows. Once the setting is as per your PC requirements you can stop or restrict the phishing attacks.

Stay Safe From Phishing Attacks by Following These Tips!

  • Changing your passwords is one of the most crucial precautions you can take to protect yourself from phishing scams. Phishers frequently attempt to trick you into clicking on links in emails or social media posts that appear to be from your bank or other reliable websites, but if the URL doesn’t match what’s displayed, it might not even be real!
  • Before clicking any link in an email message, make sure the URL matches the name of the website you’re visiting. For instance, if someone sends you an email saying, “You’ve won 20% off,” you would check the URL automatically. Secondly when you see Please click here to visit [website], and if you arrive at [another website] immediately you should recognize the problem).
  • Having some knowledge about cybersecurity will also protect you from phishing attacks. There are some easy-to-learn techniques you can search on the internet to ensure your privacy.


A scam on the internet is called a phishing attack. By pretending to be a trustworthy website or institution, they con you into disclosing critical information or your personal information. Phishing attacks are getting more harmful because hackers are getting better at masking their identities and tricking people into opening bogus emails that pretend to be from reliable organizations like banks or governments. You can take the above actions to protect yourself from phishing scams

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