
Bayero University is one of the institutions in Nigeria approved by NUC to offer various medical courses for undergraduates and graduate students. Student seeking for admission into level 100 to study Medical courses in BUK must sit for the University Matriculation Examination and obtain the minimum score of 200 in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Use of English.

Such candidates will also be required to sit and pass the Bayero University Post UTME test to meet the matriculation requirement.

Candidates seeking for Direct Entry admission will be required to have a minimum of 12 points from IJMB. Students with a Bachelor Degree in basic science are also eligible to apply for direct entry admission.

Prospective students for the 6-year Dentistry Degree program at Bayero University Kano will be required to have a minimum of five passes at credit level in the senior secondary school certificate examination(SSCE) or West African school certificate examination(WAEC) or Equivalent including Biology, Physics, Mathematics and English.

These are the list of Medical courses offered in Bayero University

  1. Anesthesiology
  2. Anatomy
  3. Biochemistry
  4. Chemical Pathology
  5. Child Dental Heath
  6. Clinical Pharmacology
  7. Community Medicine
  8. Haematology & Blood Transfusion
  9. Histopathology
  10. Human Physiology
  11. Medical Laboratory Science
  12. Medical Microbiology
  13. Medicine
  14. Nursing
  15. Obstetrics & Gynecology
  16. Ophthalmology
  17. Oral and Maxillofacial
  18. Oral Diagnostic Science
  19. Otorhinolaryngology
  20. Paediatrics
  21. Physiotherapy
  22. Preventive
  23. Psychiatry
  24. Radiography
  25. Restorative
  26. Surgery
35 thoughts on “26 List of Medical Courses in Bayero University, Kano (BUK)”
  1. I have a first degree in Microbiology OAU, second class upper division (cGPA 4.32/5). Can I apply for BUK DE for medicine and surgery??

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