
Most Competitive Courses in Nigeria, India, Kenya and the United States

I watched with keen interest what student like you are searching for – courses they would want to study in the university and believe me, you’d be surprised… This list of most competitive courses was collated after months of waiting and gathering search queries within Fatherprada. Though there are courses that could have made it to this list, these ones were like everyday queries from countries like Nigeria, India, Kenya and the United States.

It seems you guys are searching for courses you have heard someone study or every day’s course but you will be making a grave mistake if you don’t sit up and ponder on what you really want to study… There are over 900 courses here on studentguide you can choose. You can also take a look at degree courses with best employment opportunities or less competitive courses but don’t make your decision based on that.

This list of most competitive courses are so popular to the extent that when the number of admissible students exceeds a university allotted quota per department, they will use their discretion by giving you admission into another related department/course or asking you to choose another department within the faculty.
Enough talk…. here is the list

  1. Public Administration – Under Administration
  2. Mass Communication – Under Administration
  3. Business Administration – Under Administration
  4. Business Management – Under Administration
  5. Architecture
  6. Computer Engineering
  7. Nutrition and Dietetics – Under Medicine
  8. Food Science and Nutrition
  9. Marketing
  10. Law
  11. Quantity Surveying
  12. Agric-Economics and Extension
  13. Accounting/Accountancy
  14. Theater Arts
  15. Computer Science
  16. Medicine and Surgery
  17. Islamic/Sharia Law
  18. International Studies
  19. Petroleum and Gas Engineering
  20. Early Childhood and Primary Education
  21. Nursing/Nursing Science
  22. Business Education
  23. Sociology – Under Social Science
  24. Urban and Regional Planning
  25. Pharmacy
  26. Information and Communication Technology
  27. Industrial Chemistry
  28. Agriculture
  29. Political Science
  30. Building Technology

You can also take a look at degree courses with best employment opportunities or less competitive courses but don’t make your decision base on that. Use the search box below to get admission requirement for each course

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