California State University-Monterey Bay majors and acceptance rate

Located in the Western region of the United States, CSUMB provides an unrivaled learning environment. We’re committed to hands-on learning and community engagement, meaning our students get out of the classroom and into the field, or the bay, or the town, for both study and recreation. With about 7,500 students, the campus is just the right size to provide a wide range of opportunities. On the whole, the campus is the perfect size to incubate innovative ideas and chart a course for the future of higher education.



Is California State University-Monterey Bay hard to get into?

The acceptance rate at California State University-Monterey Bay is 86%. For every 100 applicants, 86 are admitted. This means the school is not selective; not hard to get into. The selection process for students is based on outstanding academic achievement, innovation, and curiosity.



Is California State University-Monterey Bay a good school?

California State University-Monterey Bay is a good school that prepares students to contribute responsibly to California and the global community by providing transformative learning experiences in an inclusive environment.



What is California State University-Monterey Bay known for?

California State University-Monterey Bay is known for being a comprehensive university that prepares reflective practitioners, innovative leaders, and thriving citizens dedicated to the public good and is also known for providing an extraordinary opportunity for international students to earn a degree at a comprehensive four-year university.



Is California State University-Monterey Bay a party school?

No, California State University-Monterey Bay is not a party school.



What major is California State University-Monterey Bay known for?

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