New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology majors and acceptance rate

Located in the Western region of the United States, the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech) was founded in 1889 as the New Mexico School of Mines. An outstanding research university, specializing in areas of science, engineering, entrepreneurship, mathematics, and related fields. New Mexico Tech is a world leader in many areas of research, including hydrology, astrophysics, atmospheric physics, geophysics, homeland security, information technology, geosciences, energetic materials engineering, and petroleum recovery.



Is New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology hard to get into?

The acceptance rate at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology is 97%. For every 100 applicants, 97 are admitted. This means the school is not selective; not hard to get into. The selection process for students is based on outstanding academic achievement, innovation, and curiosity.



Is New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology a good school?

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology is a good school that serves the state and beyond through education, research, and service, focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Involved faculty educate a diverse student body in rigorous and collaborative programs, preparing scientists and engineers for the future.



What is the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology known for?

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology is known for being considered one of the best STEM schools in the US. The school offers over 30 bachelor of science degrees in mathematics, the sciences, engineering, management, and technical communication, as well as graduate degrees in areas of specialization through the doctoral level.



Is New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology a party school?

No, the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology is not a party school.



What major is the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology known for?

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